When it comes to hardware, we have a large selection of beautiful drawer pulls that can really help the look of your vanity come together. But sometimes, the look you are aiming for might fall on the simpler side of life. While our hardware selection is hands down, a great collection, a more neutral and…
Tag: Options

In Depth Look – Mirrored Vanities
Mirrors have long been used as a design tool, aimed at enhancing a room and creating the feeling of space. And in terms of bathrooms, mirrors are typically applied to the walls via a stylish design or medicine cabinet. We like to think mirrors shouldn’t be limited to their traditional locations. That’s why we created…

In Depth Look – Power Options
Let’s face it, power outlets just aren’t that pretty. They’re an eye sore no matter how you slice it. Paint it, cover it with a decorative cover – they still stick out like a sore thumb. But they are essential, especially in today’s wired world. We need to charge our phones and tablets and in…

In Depth Look – Glass Dividers
They say cleanliness is close to godliness. But what about organization? Is there anything better than a clean, well-organized drawer? We certainly don’t think so. But achieving that perfect nirvana, where everything is in its place isn’t always easy to do. We get busy and shove things away and over time, it clutters up until…