When creating your dream vanity everything needs to be perfect, right down to the smallest of details. As creative designers we understand that very well. It’s part of the reason why we offer so many options; we want you to have as many choices as possible to make your vanity come to life. One of those details that needs to be considered is hardware and sometimes, the lack of hardware.
Yup, you read that right. The lack of hardware. I know it might sound counterproductive to not have something so important on your vanity but hear us out. Sometimes it’s better to go without. Now, I know that leaves you wondering, well if we don’t have hardware, how are we going to open our drawers? It’s a valid question and we just so happen to have the answer. We have two hardware alternatives that you can choose from, our Integrated Finger pull option and our Touch to Open option. Both of these alternatives eliminate the need for hardware all together.
Our Integrated Finger Pull is an added beveled edge that goes on the top of the door or drawer. This creates a new way to enter your drawers or doors without needed to cover up the drawer face with hardware. The Integrated Finger Pull comes standard on our Angolo vanity and can be added to all 400 series vanities.
Touch to Open is a fun option that opens your drawers with just the touch of your fingers. This is the ultimate alternative to hardware thanks to some amazing drawer runners that allows the drawers to open with a simple push. And they are fully adjustable so you can set the speed you want your drawers to open.
So with these two options in mind we fall back to the question, why would you want to go hardware-less? One answer can be design. If you like minimalist look, our TTO and Integrated Pull are perfect for you. It reduces lines on the overall vanity and keeps the drawer faces looking clean and clear. Another reason to go hardware-less is accessibility. Just having to touch a drawer face instead of pulling at a piece of hardware can make your life that much easier.
Whether you are looking for a clean design and you don’t want pesky hardware getting in your way or you like the ease opening drawers with little effort, we have the hardware alternatives you need. Take a look at our website to find all other options you can outfit your vanity with and get started planning your dream bath today!